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Herbert E. Barker Jr.

"Exceptional" Care at UCSF Center for Colorectal Surgery for Rectal Cancer Survivor

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I too am a rectal cancer survivor. My relationships with the hospital at UCSF and with Dr. Varma’s team was like yours: exceptional. I am now nearly four years out from “D Day” (April 17, 2009) and thus far, no recurrence.

We are truly fortunate and blessed to have been exposed to this disease when we were. There is now so much that can be done with the number of treatments available. Hope you are now and remain ok. I continue to support the UCSF Center for Colorectal Surgery as I participate in the research project. And, I too got back to a gym routine and feel great. Good luck!

-Herbert E. Barker Jr. 

Tags: Rectal Cancer
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