Quan-Yang Duh Receives 2017 Paul Starr Award from American Thyroid Association

Quan-Yang Duh M.D., professor and chief of endocrine surgery at UCSF, and a nationally and internationally recognized leader in the field, is the recipient of the 2017 Paul Starr Award from the American Thyroid Association (ATA). The Paul Starr Award Lecture recognizes an outstanding contributor to clinical thyroidology. Dr. Duh delivered the 2017 lecture for this award entitled, “Technical and Technological Advances that Changed Thyroid Surgery” on October 20th at the ATA annual meeting in Victoria, British Columbia.
Here is the full text of the award announcement.
October 16, 2017—The American Thyroid Association (ATA) announces with pleasure that the 2017 Paul Starr Award recipient is Quan-Yang Duh, MD, FACS, Professor of Surgery and Chief of Endocrine Surgery at the University of San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Duh is also Attending Surgeon at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in San Francisco.
The Paul Starr Award is presented to an outstanding contributor to clinical thyroidology. At the ATA annual meeting in Victoria, British Columbia, Dr. Duh will deliver the Starr Lecture at 1:00 pm on October 20, 2017. His lecture is titled “Technical and Technological Advances that Changed Thyroid Surgery.”Dr. Duh joined the ATA in 1990 and has served on the editorial boards of Thyroid and VideoEndocrinology; as well as several committees, ATA Research, Surgical Affairs and Annual Meeting Program Committee.
Dr. Duh is recognized nationally and internationally as a leader in endocrine surgery. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Summa Cum Laude from Yale University, then attended UCSF Medical School, where he graduated Alpha Omega Alpha (Honor Medical Society). He then did a surgical residency and a fellowship in endocrine surgery at UCSF and subsequently joined their surgical faculty.
As a teacher, a researcher, and a surgeon, Dr. Duh has served as a mentor to more than 100 surgery and research fellows, has assured the future of endocrinology and endocrine surgery. In addition, Dr. Duh has written more than 300 peer-reviewed articles and has been a committee member for many practice guidelines involving thyroid cancer, parathyroid surgery, pheochromocytoma, and adrenal surgery.As stated in his letters of nomination for the Paul Starr Award, Dr. Duh’s superb skills and expertise, his wealth of knowledge, and his approachable manner and kindness lead all who work with him and learn from him—including his patients—to trust and admire him. He is indeed an outstanding contributor to clinical thyroidology.